by Rohit Kay | Mar 3, 2019 | Branding, Graphic Design, Improvement, Tutorials
Pricing design work should be easy. The number of designers today who charge per hour and not by value surprises me. Too many designers also price their work very low hoping more people will purchase their work. This never works out. No serious business or...
by Rohit Kay | Jan 27, 2019 | Graphic Design
Books or design school, which is better? I know this is a topic a lot of beginners dwell on. It often seems like one method is much better than the other. Following on from my previous post on Creative Confidence, I wanted to highlight the advantages each method has....
by Rohit Kay | Jan 6, 2019 | Branding, Graphic Design
How important is it to be confident as a designer? It is vital and is a necessity. It relates this post to a previous post on “What no one tells you about attention”. If you haven’t already, then check it out. I come across so many designers, who don’t seem to have...
by Rohit Kay | Jan 6, 2019 | Branding, Graphic Design
I come across so many individuals and teams of people who either knowingly or unknowingly do this one thing. They use copyrighted images without the proper license. Most people doing this are just not aware and use any image of their choice from Google. You cannot do...
by Rohit Kay | Jan 4, 2019 | Graphic Design
Let’s talk symmetry. There are multiple variations of symmetry like rotational, translational and reflectional symmetry. For now, let’s look at the most commonly used symmetry in graphic design, and that is reflectional symmetry. This is essentially where two halves...