Show up and provide value consistently

Show up and provide value consistently

Show up, provide value and do it consistently. Here lies the difference between great and average individuals. So many creatives provide outstanding work but are not consistent. So many are consistently creating, however, the work provides no great value. The worst...
How to find your creative confidence

How to find your creative confidence

How important is it to be confident as a designer? It is vital and is a necessity. It relates this post to a previous post on “What no one tells you about attention”. If you haven’t already, then check it out. I come across so many designers, who don’t seem to have...
What you need to know about image use

What you need to know about image use

I come across so many individuals and teams of people who either knowingly or unknowingly do this one thing. They use copyrighted images without the proper license. Most people doing this are just not aware and use any image of their choice from Google. You cannot do...
Understand colour schemes before its too late

Understand colour schemes before its too late

Are you are an individual trying to grow and expand your business or brand? If so then the one thing you need to be completely aware of is the colour scheme you’re using. The majority of people trying to grow their brands are not aware of this. It is because they hire...
If only everyone knew this about Google Plus.

If only everyone knew this about Google Plus.

Google is your friend people, always has been and always will be. There is no better way to reach more people and grow your brand today than with Google. Following up from my post on Why you must show up on Google, I want to let you in on something that the majority...